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Choose three (3) concepts / ideas / themes from your book and graphically show these concepts / ideas are related. From your work, the teacher will get the impression that you read and understood the entire book.
Steps to success
  1. Determine the three (3) themes (themes may also be called concepts or ideas) for your book. What was it really about? Examples might be love, hate, friendship, stupidity, heroism, etc.
  2. Determine a symbol / graphic for each concept / idea / theme. Be creative. Be unique. Be original. For example a symbol for love could be a heart, but that symbol is too common for receive maximum credit, too trite, to simple. You need to dig deeper.
  3. Create a poster on 12” by 18” White construction paper provided by the teacher. Your poster must symbolically and artistically display the three concepts / ideas / themes. You may NOT use any words, except the name of your book, your book’s author, your name, date, and section on the lower right hand corner of the poster!
  4. In your poster you must demonstrate how the three concepts / ideas / themes are related and fit together. Example, if revenge leads to death, graphically show the connection between the two, WITHOUT using arrows or equal signs.
  5. When you finish your poster, you must:

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