You will do a short Powerpoint Presentation on one of the eight major world Religions. You will choose a religion to research in a "lottery."

This activity will be a little different than the "average" activity. You need to create a outstanding Powerpoint Presentation about your selected World Religion. I want you to create something interesting. I want this to be a learning experience! I want the Powerpoint Presentations to be well designed and imaginative! You will expand your knowledge of world religions and Powerpoint!

Our library has many useful resource materials to help you discover many interesting things about World Religions. This will be your opportunity to discover World Religions!

Here is a check list of requirements to help you complete your Powerpoint Presentation

  1. BulletSelect Your World Religion

  2. BulletCreative Extraordinary Title

  3. BulletTitle Slide

Design a "professional" title slide that includes:

  1. Bulletan illustration or  design

  2. BulletCreative Extraordinary Title" in bold large letters

  3. BulletYour name & section

  4. BulletOne slogan slide

  5. Write an original slogan that describes something about your selected world religion. Do not be disrespectful. If you have any doubts ask your parents or teachers.  Print in large letters on one slide - decorate as desired

  6. BulletPoem or Song slide

  7. Write a poem about your world religion (About 20 to 30 words : 4 to 5 lines minimum) Bonus: Extra Credit: In place of the poem, compose an original song about your state (About 40 to 50 words : 12 to 15 lines minimum)

  8. BulletFormal Opening Slide (100 words minimum)

  9. Introduce your world religion. Explain its importance and how it affects the lives of its followers.

  10. BulletOriginal Writing / Body of Report Slide(s) (200 words minimum)

  11. Write at least one paragraph about each of the topics listed below

  12. BulletIdentify the important places (You may identify cities or points of interest) for your World Religion. Tell where the followers are concentrated,describe any of the religion's holy places.

  13. BulletSummarize your World Religion's basic beliefs / doctrines in at least 150-200 words

  14. BulletNames of important historical figures followers.

  15. BulletSome facts about your world religion's history. When did it begin? Who were the first believers? What is happening in your world religion today?

  16. BulletWorld Religion Map Slide

  17. Indicate a map of the world graphic you get from Mr. Sullivan and use Powerpoint drawing tools to Important places (You may identify cities or points of interest) for your World Religion Tell where the followers are concentrated and show the locations of the holy places.

  18. BulletIllustrate your Portfolio Presentation Slides

  19. Use original artwork and / or graphics. Use color and design elements to make something memorable

  20. BulletFormal Closing Slide (100 words minimum)

  21. Summarize your presenation. Explain how your religion is unique (Three unique characteristics)  from the other world religions and explain its similarities (Three similarities) to the other world religions,

  22. BulletBibliography Slide

  23. List the sources you used in a bibliography. Use Citation Maker to instantly format your bibliography in MLA Style

Your Powerpoint Will:

  1. BulletBe created in Powerpoint. No spelling errors

  2. BulletBe attractive professional looking

  3. BulletBe perfect and complete.

  4. BulletStudents will create transitions between slides and any appropriate visual or sound effects as desired.

Chart - Powerpoint Slides for World Religion Portfolio Activity


Powerpoint World Religion Activity Instructions