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In this activity, YOU become the character. You create a mask, write a monologue (speech) of about 290-300 words. For 20 points extra credit, you may present the monologue to the class!

Steps to success

  1. Choose ONE of the major characters from your novel and create a mask (something to disguise your face) of how the character would look. The mask must be big enough to fit over your face. Be creative. A paper plate as a mask will not receive as many points as a mask that shows true effort and application.
  2. You may base your monologue on a specific part of the book, but do not copy it word for word. Your monologue should discuss your character’s ideas, opinions, behavior, actions, relationships, thoughts, etc. It should be about 290-300 words. It should long enough so that it is clear that you actually read the entire book
  3. For 20 points extra credit, you may present your monologue to the class. You do not have to wear it, but you have to explain it’s meaning. Your monologue presentation has to be between two and three minutes long to receive the extra credit.

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